EDGE 1.35 README.TXT ==================== Welcome to EDGE, the Enhanced Doom Game Engine. Website: http://edge.sourceforge.net Archive listing: * edge135.exe - EDGE Executable * edge.wad - EDGE WAD Information, version 6.1 * demo-XXXX.wad - Demos of various EDGE features * SDL.dll - Simple DirectMedia Layer, version 1.2.13 * Changelog-135.txt - Changes since 1.34 * Edge-Readme.txt - Guess what you are reading? System Requirements: - Pentium 500 MHz CPU or later. - 64MB RAM (128MB RAM recommended). - Hardware accelerated 3D card with OpenGL drivers. - Either a DOOM, DOOM II, or Final DOOM IWAD file. (See "Getting hold of game data" below). For Win32: - DirectX 7.0 or higher. For Linux: - SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) version 1.2. - glibc 2. Getting hold of game data: You can get hold of FreeDoom from freedoom.sourceforge.net which is _free_ and has been produced by fans of the game in their spare time, or you can purchase "The Ultimate Doom", "Doom II" or "Final Doom" (Plutonia/TNT) from id software at www.idsoftware.com. The shareware data will also work with EDGE. You need to copy the .WAD file you want to use into your EDGE directory. The wad names and what game they belong to are listed below: doom1.wad -> Shareware Doom. doom.wad -> Doom/Ultimate Doom. doom2.wad -> Doom II plutonia.wad -> Final Doom (Plutonia) tnt.wad -> Final Doom (TNT) Useful Parameters: * Screen size: -width [screenwidth] -height [screenheight] * Colour depth: -bpp [depth] (2 for 16-bit, 4 for 32-bit) * Windowed mode: -windowed * Fullscreen mode: -fullscreen * Pick IWAD file: -iwad [main wad file] * Play PWAD file: -file [addon wad file] * Jump to level: -warp [mapname] (in the form of MAP01 or E2M9 etc..) * External DDFs: -ddf [dirname] (use external DDFs in 'dirname') * Show EDGE version: -version * Disable sound: -nosound * Disable music: -nomusic * Disable warnings: -nowarn Notable EDGE features: - Extrafloors (3D floors), removing the original DOOM limitation which didn't allow rooms over rooms. EDGE supports real 3D room-over-room, bridges, and liquids. - DDF (Data Definition Files), allow Mod/TC/PC creators to completely customise monsters, attacks, weapons, pickup and scenery items, linetypes, sectortypes, intermissions, ETC... using fairly simple to understand text files. - RTS (Radius Trigger Scripting), provides per-level scripting support, allowing custom scripts to run when the player enters certain parts of the map, or performs certain actions, or when certain monsters have been killed (to name a few possibilities). - Hardware accelerated 3D rendering (via OpenGL). - Hub system, like in Quake II or Hexen, which allows you to come back to a certain map and everything is the same as when you left it, plus you get your weapons and keys. - MD2 models for monsters, items and player weapons. - Jumping and Crouching. - Look up/down and Zooming. - Flying (JetPack) and Swimmable water. - Many limits and bugs from original DOOM removed. Timidity Music Support: Timidity is a program for playing MIDI music, and EDGE includes has a built-in version of it. For Linux users this is the only way to hear DOOM format music, but Windows users can use it too (see the Music Device entry in the Sound Options menu). Timidity requires "GUS Patch" files to work, which are special sound data for musical instruments. Under Linux you can simply install the 'freepats' package and it should work. Otherwise a good quality patchset can be found in the idgames archive: search for "8mbgmpat", download the zip, create a folder where EDGE is installed called "8mbgmpat" and unpack the files into that folder. Then run EDGE and the following messages should appear in the console: > Loading Timidity config: ./8mbgmpat/TIMIDITY.CFG > I_StartupMusic: Timidity Init OK NOTE: SoundFonts (SF2 files) are different from GUS patch files and are NOT supported by EDGE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Major Changes in EDGE 1.35: + widescreen support + DDF inheritance + weapon and automap key bindings can be changed + support textures between TX_START/TX_END Bugs fixed in 1.35: - fixed serious bug with COAL scripts - fixed music on MAP32 of DOOM II - fixed the marks on the automap - fixed GL_COLOUR feature of COLORMAPS.DDF - E2M8, E3M8 (etc) are playable without any bosses Known Issues: - Multiplayer (networking) does not work. The type of networking that DOOM used back in 1994 is obsolete today, and EDGE doesn't have a suitable replacement yet. - Drag-and-drop does not work in Linux. - Levels and TCs designed for very early EDGE versions can produce a crap-load of warnings when starting up. These warnings are mostly about DDF features that have been removed or changed. Hence some older stuff will not work 100%. Use the -nowarn option to turn off these warnings. - Some sprites are designed to look sunk into the floor, typically corpses, and can look like they are "floating" in EDGE. This is a limitation of using OpenGL rendering (if the sprites are lowered, they get clipped and this looks a lot worse). Certain other DOOM tricks, e.g. flat-flooding, sometimes don't work properly with EDGE's renderer. - Colourmaps are another software rendering technique that often cannot be emulated in OpenGL hardware rendering. Old methods of doing Fog do not work anymore. - Bullets can sometimes pass through solid extrafloors. Troubleshooting: - If EDGE crashes, or otherwise misbehaves, please help us by reporting the problem. To do this check out the EDGE website at http://edge.sourceforge.net. We appreciate input because if you don't tell us about a bug, we can't deal with it. - Post the EDGE.LOG file which EDGE creates along with your bug report, as this contains lots of useful information to help us track down the problem. For Windows: - Ensure you are running with virtual memory ENABLED. This will cause some real problems if it disabled. - You can check the DirectX version by running the DirectX diagnostic tool. Click the Start button, then Run..., and type: dxdiag and press ENTER. If that doesn't work, try looking for DXDIAG.EXE in the following directories: C:\windows\system C:\program files\directx\setup\ C:\winnt\system32 - For EDGE to work, you need a 3D card *plus* OpenGL drivers for it installed on your computer. A really low framerate (1 FPS) usually means that the *software* OpenGL driver is being used (not what we want, of course ;). Go to the website of your card's manufacturer and look for a recent 3D driver. Another place to look is on Microsoft's site. Basically, if Quake 3 (or some other OpenGL game) works, then EDGE should work too. - SHOULD YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS WITH GRAPHICAL PROBLEMS OR WITH THE ENGINE LOCKING UP PLEASE ENSURE YOU HAVE THE LATEST VIDEO AND OPENGL DRIVERS FOR YOUR MACHINE. Users of the ATI Rage series are recommended to upgrade to the latest drivers since some older drivers (circa 2001) have been known to cause a lockup during startup. For Linux: - SDL 1.2 can be found at http://www.libsdl.org/. - You can check whether hardware 3D rendering is available by running the 'glxinfo' program in an terminal, and look for the line which says "direct rendering: Yes". Contact points: * For the latest news and developments visit the EDGE Website at http://edge.sourceforge.net * For Forums, Bug Reports and SVN Access visit the EDGE Project site at http://sourceforge.net/projects/edge * For more information on "GL Nodes", see the glBSP homepage at http://glbsp.sourceforge.net Compiling EDGE: Please read the file "INSTALL" in the source package. Command line options: * Note that "(no)" here means that the option switch can optionally be prefixed with the word "no", e.g. -monsters OR -nomonsters. The plain option enables the feature, the one with "no" disables it. -version Show version of EDGE and exit. -width Select video mode's width. -height Select video mode's height. -res Select video mode (width AND height). -bpp Video depth: 1 for 8-bit, 2 for 16-bit. -lang Language for game messages. -iwad Select IWAD file (e.g. DOOM.WAD or TNT.WAD) -file ... Select PWAD (add-on) wad file(s) to play. -home Home dir, can hold IWAD and EDGE.WAD. -game Game dir, for PARMS, DDF, RTS, WADs, etc. -ddf Load external DDF files from the directory. -script Load external RTS script from the file. -deh ... Load external DeHackEd/BEX patch file(s). -config Config file (normally EDGE.CFG). -debug Enable debug output to file (DEBUG.TXT). -nolog Disable creating the log file (EDGE.LOG). -warp Warp to map (use full name e.g. E1M1 or MAP01). -loadgame Warp, loading game from slot. -skill Skill level for warp (1 to 5). -screenshot Movie mode! Takes regular screenshots. -turbo Running speed, 100 is normal. -players Number of real players. -bots Number of bots. -deathmatch Deathmatch game (otherwise COOP). -altdeath Alternate deathmatch mode. -timer Time limited games, and specifies how long. -avg Andy Virtual Gaming (same as -timer 20). -respawn Monster respawning. -newnmrespawn Monsters respawn as if resurrected. -(no)itemrespawn Item respawning. -videodriver Specify what SDL video driver to use. -directx shortcut for "-videodriver directx" -gdi shortcut for "-videodriver gdi" (default) -windowed Run inside a window. -fullscreen Run fullscreen. -audiodriver Specify what SDL audio driver to use. -waveout shortcut for "-audiodriver waveout" -dsound shortcut for "-audiodriver dsound" (default) -sound16 Use 16-bit sound output. -sound8 Use 8-bit sound output. -(no)sound Enable/disable sound effects. -(no)music Enable/disable music output. -strict Errors: be as strict as possible. -lax Errors: be as forgiving as possible. -(no)warn Enable/disable all warning messages. -(no)smoothing Smoothing for graphic images (mainly GL). -(no)mipmap Mipmapping enable/disable. -(no)dlights Dynamic lighting enable/disable. -(no)jumping Whether player jumping is allowed. -(no)crouching Whether player crouching is allowed. -(no)mlook Whether Mouse-look up/down is allowed. -(no)blood More blood which lasts longer. -(no)kick Weapon kick effect. -(no)monsters Enable/disable monsters within the game. -(no)fast Fast monsters. -(no)cheats Cheat codes enabled or disabled. -(no)rotatemap Automap rotation. -(no)showstats Shows on-screen statistics/info. -(no)hom HOM (Hall Of Mirrors) detection. -(no)extras Extra items (e.g. rain) appearing in levels. -(no)true3d Objects can pass above/below other objects. -trilinear Trilinear mipmapping. -blockmap Force EDGE to generate its own blockmap. -nograb Don't grab the mouse cursor. Console commands: args ... Just prints the arguments (for testing) crc Computes the CRC value of a wad lump dir [ ] Display contents of a directory exec Executes console commands from a file help Prints a summary of console usage map Jump to a new map (like IDCLEV cheat) playsound Plays the sound resetvars Reset all cvars and settings showcmds Show all console commands showvars [-l] Show all console variables showjoysticks Show all available joysticks showfiles Show all loaded files showlumps Show all lumps in a wad file type Displays the contents of a text file version Show the EDGE version quit Quit EDGE (pops up a query message) Show value of a console variable Set the value of a console variable Console variables: language Current language setting aggression monster aggression (EDGE feature) goobers flatten out levels (EDGE feature) ddf_strict Errors: be as strict as possible ddf_lax Errors: be as forgiving as possible ddf_quiet Disables all warning messages in_grab Grab the mouse cursor in_keypad Enables the numeric keypad in_stageturn Two-stage turning (keyboard & joystick) in_warpmouse Warp the cursor to get relative motion joy_dead Joystick dead zone (0.0 - 0.8) joy_peak Joystick peak point (0.4 - 1.0) joy_tuning Joystick fine tune (0.2 - 5.0, normally 1) m_diskicon Enables the flashing disk icon m_busywait Smoother gameplay vs less CPU utilisation am_smoothing Enables smoother lines on the automap r_fadepower Powerup effects smoothly fade out r_crosshair Crosshair to draw (1-9, 0 for none) r_crosscolor Crosshair color (0-7) r_crosssize Crosshair size (16 is normal) r_crossbright Crosshair brightness (0.1 - 1.0) r_nearclip OpenGL near distance (default 4) r_farclip OpenGL far distance (default 64000) debug_fullbright Debugging: draw everything full-bright debug_hom Debugging: show missing textures debug_joyaxis Debugging: print joystick axis events debug_mouse Debugging: print mouse events debug_pos Debugging: show player's location debug_fps Debugging: show frames-per-second **** CREDITS **** Current EDGE Team: Andrew Apted (aka "andrewj") : programming Luke Brennan (aka "Lobo") : support & documentation Former EDGE Members: Andrew Baker (aka "Darkknight") : programming Marc Pullen (aka "Fanatic") : support & music Erik Sandberg : programming David Leatherdale : support & programming Patches: Darren Salt (aka "dsalt") : programming DOSDoom Contributors: Kester Maddock : programming Martin Howe : programming, cat lover John Cole, Rasem Brsiq : programming Captain Mellow, CowMonster : support, graphics Ziggy Gnarly & Sidearm Joe : support, graphics Matt Cooke, Eric Simpson : support Special Thanks: Chi Hoang : DOSDoom Author id Software : The Original Doom Engine --- END OF README.TXT ---