RECT_TRIGGER <X1> <Y1> <X2> <Y2> [Low Z] [High Z]
This defines a rectangular radius trigger instead of the normal
square one. This is most useful to place a thin trigger area in
front of a door, or some place you need a wide but narrow trigger
area (since normal radius triggers are square, one that you need
to cover a wide area covers a lot of unnecessary space).
<X1> <Y1> define the lower left corner of the rectangle.
<X2> <Y2> define the upper right corner of the rectangle.
It's best to use your map editor to determine the exact points for the X and Y values you want (most map editors show the grid location in real time).
The optional [low Z] and [high Z] values are to create a "3D" trigger: one that can be walked over or under without being triggered. The [low Z] must be a value below [high Z] (you cannot invert the low and high Z values). If you use Low Z then high Z is also required.
NOTE: close a RECT_TRIGGER with 'END_RADIUS_TRIGGER', just like a normal radius trigger.
Press the USE button somewhere within the starting room of DOOM2
MAP01 (the room with the two pillars and the V-shaped stairs).
Pressing USE in other locations should do nothing (remember to
reload the map, this script will only run once).
START_MAP map01 RECT_TRIGGER 1280 3200 1920 3648 TAGGED_USE TIP "You pressed use!" END_RADIUS_TRIGGER END_MAP