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EDGE 1.35 : DONE and DUSTED | 09-Apr-2011 |
Highlights of this release:
- wide screen support
- DDF inheritance
- weapon and automap key bindings
- support for the HacX 1.2 IWAD
- fixed a serious COAL bug
For a list of all changes, see the EDGE 1.35 ChangeLog
This release also marks the point where I, Andrew Apted, leave the EDGE project for good. Since I have been the sole developer of EDGE for quite a while, this means that development of EDGE is effectively over. I'd like to thank all the users and modders of EDGE for all their support and contributions to this project -- Cheers everybody!
Download Link: EDGE 1.35 Binaries
1.35 RC#1 Available | 23-Dec-2010 |
1.35 is mainly a bug-fix release, especially a major problem when using COAL scripts. New features include better support for wide screens, ability to bind different keys for weapons and automap functions, DDF inheritance, support for the HACX 1.2 IWAD, and a few other things.
Please test it as much as possible. The 1.35 release will probably be the very last one of EDGE, so it's important to find and fix any problems now. Reports about existing EDGE mods, whether they work or fail, are very welcome.
EDGE 1.34 Released! | 20-Nov-2009 |
List of Major Changes:
- HUB support
- Joystick support
- obituary messages
- improved console
- two "Action" buttons for RTS scripting
- standard DDF/RTS files moved out of EDGE.WAD
- fixed music detuning (SYSTEM device)
There is also a break in compatibility in this release. A new language called "COAL" has replaced Lua for making custom HUDs, so any mods which use Lua for HUDs will fail to work in this version of EDGE.
Since RC1 (release candidate 1) a few bugs have been fixed, most notably the crash when trying to load a savegame from the main menu.
Thanks to everyone who suggested features, reported bugs, helped with testing and generally have been supportive of this project. This release is for you guys!
The complete list of changes in EDGE 1.34 is here: 1.34 ChangeLog
1.34(RC1) Now Ready | 23-Oct-2009 |
Why version 1.34? Well for version 1.32 we attempted a lot of big things: a new BSP-free renderer, DDF inheritance, a new scripting language, MD3 models, and using cvars for all user settings. But it was simply too much to chew. Hence in order to move forward, we decided to cut our losses and begin again, applying as many of the bug fixes and smaller features from the 1.32 branch as possible to create a new "1.34" branch.
New features in this release include: Joystick support, a HUB system, obituary messages, two "Action" buttons for RTS scripts, a much improved console, and better crosshairs.
One big change is that Lua has been replaced by a new language "COAL" for drawing HUDs. Unfortunately this breaks compatibility with any mods which contain Lua-coded HUDs. Another (not so drastic) change was moving the DDF/RTS files out of EDGE.WAD and into a folder called "doom_ddf", where you can easily view and edit them.
Many bugs in EDGE 1.31 have been fixed. The most notable one is the music detuning with the SYSTEM device in Windows. Also fixed were the 16-rotation sprites, the BOOM point pushers/pullers, the (rare) teleporting into walls bug, and the big slowdown when saving the game on large maps.
EDGE for MacOS X! | 25-Jun-2009 |
EDGE 1.31 RELEASED | 24-Aug-2008 |
- Greatly improved renderer
- MD2 models for things and weapons
- Lua scripted HUDs
- Detail Slopes
- Mirrors with multiple reflections
- Timidity music playback
- TGA (targa) image format supported
- WAV and OGG/Vorbis loaders for sound effects
See the complete list of changes since EDGE 1.29 here: 1.31 ChangeLog
Some things have been removed in 1.31, such as support for demos (recording and playback) and CD music.
Savegames from EDGE 1.29 should still work, however savegames from earlier versions (like 1.28a) do not work.
1.31 RC#1 Available | 09-Jul-2008 |
The biggest new feature is Lua-scripted HUDs, giving modders great power to create new status bars and other Heads-Up-Display elements. Also worth noting are the new Detail Slopes, which are a bit limited but good for adding some cool slopey details into your maps.
Many bugs have been fixed since Beta#2, for example: colormapped sectors (blue water etc) are working again, the Super Shotgun firing rate was too slow and has been rectified, and Timidity music playback is now finished and works well in both Linux and Windows.
Lastly, some things have been removed, such as demo support and CD music playback, because of difficult-to-fix bugs and lack of interest in these features.
The complete list of changes since EDGE 1.29 is here: 1.31 ChangeLog
Beta#2 Update | 02-Feb-2008 |
Beta#2 is Out | 29-Jan-2008 |
New features include support for 16-bit sounds (WAV and OGG/Vorbis formats), music playback for Linux, and an Invulnerability setting in the video options.
However the main thrust of this release is fixing bugs (such as the messed up screen after changing resolution) and other enhancements (like using MD2 frame names in DDF).
Changes since Beta#1 are here: Change List
1.31 Beta#1 Available | 12-Dec-2007 |
- MD2 models for things and weapons
- Mirrors with multiple reflections
- Good emulation of partial-invisibility effect
- Nicer dynamic lighting, sector glow effects
- Improved way of emulating DOOM light fading
- Rendering glitches fixed
- Flat alignment and scaling line-types
- TGA (targa) image format supported
- Monster weak spots, defined by DDF
- New DDF BECOME() action for changing type
- Armor properties can be modified
- changing resolution messes up the screen (must restart)
- sound still does not work under Vista
- colormapped sectors (e.g. blue water) don't work yet
- monsters with models seem to move very jerkily
- console background is a bit messed up
- additive dyn-lights on mid-masked textures look weird
Full list of changes is here: Change List
Previous news items are available here: Older News