Usage:WAIT <time>
Use this where you want to create a pause in your script.
Since the script is read like a book, from top down,
place it exactly where you want it to wait.
<time> a time value indicating how long to wait (in either
ticks or seconds).
- 0 = no delay
- 0.5 = half a second
- 2 = two seconds
- 1T = one tick (shortest possible time)
- 35T = one second
For example, if you have a script that gives a tip that says "something wicked this way comes.", and you want to make it pause for 4 seconds before going to the next line to spawn a Cyberdemon, add WAIT 4 after the TIP, but before the SPAWN_THING commands.
WAIT is especially useful for when you have various TIPS,
one after the other. Without WAIT, the TIPs would be shown
simultaneously and "run over" each other, so you would only
see the final TIP.
START_MAP MAP01 RADIUS_TRIGGER 0 0 -1 // script applies to whole map TAGGED_IMMEDIATE TIP "Here for 3 seconds" 3 TRUE WAIT 3 // wait time is same as TIP's display time TIP "Here for 2 seconds" 2 TRUE WAIT 2 // wait time is same as TIP's display time TIP "Last tip" 5 TRUE END_RADIUS_TRIGGER END_MAP