THING_EVENT <thing id> <State>
This is used to force a thing to certain states (defined in its
THINGS.DDF entry).
<thing id> can be the name or number from THINGS.DDF, like
"IMP" or "3001".
<State> is the state we want the monster to go into. Most useful for special events, like walking up to a human, pressing space (the use button) which causes a friendly monster to enter states that make him talk, give advice, or a hint. You could also do events like make a weapons house, and a merchant inside that talks to you, or sells weapons and ammo.
RADIUS_TRIGGER 0 0 -1 TAGGED_USE TIP "Jump in the air!" //Suppose playerup is a custom state defined in things.ddf THING_EVENT OUR_HERO playerUp END_RADIUS_TRIGGER