PLAY_SOUND <sound name> [X] [Y] [Z]
PLAY_SOUND_BOSSMAN <sound name> [X] [Y] [Z]
Description: Play a sound and (optionally) define the location from where the sound will come. There are two types of PLAY_SOUND command:
- normal = plays a sound using normal attenuation (the farther away you are, the softer the sound is)
- BOSSMAN = the sound is played at max volume throughout the entire level
<sound> references a sound name from SOUNDS.DDF.
It's best to use your map editor to determine the exact points for the [X] and [Y] values you want (most map editors show the grid location in real time).
NOTE: if you define [X] then obviously [Y] is required.
The optional [Z] value is to create a sound in the air for example. If you use [Z] then both [X] and [Y] are required.
When the coordinates are omitted, the sound will be played at the origin of the trigger.
TIP: Combine with TAGGED_REPEATABLE to make a looping sound.
START_MAP map01 RADIUS_TRIGGER 0 0 80 TAGGED_IMMEDIATE // sound will come from center of the trigger PLAY_SOUND DBOPN WAIT 2 // sound will come from specific X/Y location PLAY_SOUND DBOPN 1000 3000 END_RADIUS_TRIGGER END_MAP